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Deputy Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic Denisa Saková: Slovakia will strengthen the cooperation with Saudi Arabia

Vytvorené dňa: 04.06.2024      Aktualizované dňa: 06.06.2024

Slovakia will strengthen economic and trade cooperation with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. At its meeting on 29 May 2024 and acting at the proposal of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic Denisa Saková, the Government of the Slovak Republic approved General Agreement on the Cooperation between the Government of the Slovak Republic and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Undoubtedly, Saudi Arabia is an attractive region for Slovak entrepreneurs and is a major strategic partner for the Slovak Republic, as well. Therefore, we work hard to enhance our mutual economic relations, not only in terms of trade, but also as regards an exchange of experience and knowledge, because Saudi Arabia is well-known for its projects in technology and innovation”, said the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of the Slovak Republic Denisa Saková after the meeting of the Cabinet.

The Cooperation agreement in question represents an important step for deepening bilateral ties between Slovakia and Saudi Arabia and it also opens up new possibilities to strengthen economic cooperation and mutual development in all sectors of economy, including fields of economy, trade, investments, science, technology, innovations and engineering.

Slovakia and Saudi Arabia will also collaborate with each other in an exchange of experience and technical expertise, necessary for specific programs of cooperation. The cooperation will be promoted in the Slovak-Saudi Chamber of Commerce, too.


Press Department of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic

Zdroj: http://www.mhsr.sk/press/deputy-prime-minister-of-the-slovak-republic-denisa-sakova-slovakia-will-strengthen-the-cooperation-with-saudi-arabia


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