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Licensing and certification
Created on: 03.09.2015 Updated on: 11.03.2025
ES15 Provision of services for cross-border transfer license holders
MoE SR allows license holders to submit the Report on the use of their specific products trading license or the Notification of transfer or export failure.
ES16 Provision of the End use of specific products certificate
MoE SR allows you to request for the Confirmation of the End-user Certificate.
ES17 Certification of compliance of the investment project with the Energy policy long-term concept
MoE SR allows you to submit applications for issuing of the Certificate for construction of an energy facility or the Certificate for construction of an energy facility with combined production of electricity and heat.
ES18 Certification of conformity of the development of the system of thermal installations in preparation or a part thereof with the Energy policy long-term concept
MoE SR allows you to submit an application for issuing of the Certificate of conformity for development of the system of thermal installations or a part thereof with the Energy policy of the Slovak Republic.
ES19 Licensing of cross-border transfer of specific products
MoE SR allows you to submit applications for issuing of the License for marketing of specific products and of the Authorization for transfer of explosives within the EU.
ES20 Issuing of import certificates for import licenses
MoE SR allows you to request for the confirmation of End use of specific products certificate.