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ES36 Provision of financial contributions for the operation of incubators and provision of subsidies under the scope of the MoE SR

Created on: 03.09.2015     Updated on: 03.12.2020

"The Slovak Business Agency (SBA) provides financial contributions to support business and technology incubators in order to create appropriate operating conditions for starting small businesses during the period of at least three years of their existence. The aim of this service is to enhance the competitiveness of SMEs, maintain employment, support job creation in particular regions of Slovakia and to eliminate regional disparities.

The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic (MoE SR) provides subsidies under the Act No 71/2013 Coll. on the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR. Based on published call for proposals, applicants may submit applications for the provision of subsidy and subsequently also an application for payment of approved subsidy.
Within the service, entrepreneurs have the opportunity to apply electronically for the following types of subsidies specified in Section 2 of the Act No 71/2013 Coll. on the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR:

  • Section 2 Letter a) - support of the mining, tradition and history of mining activities, elimination of consequences of mining activities, repayment of social effects of attenuation of mining activities,
  • Section 2 Letter b) - support of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises,
  • Section 2 Letter c) - support of the use of biomass and solar energy for heat production,
  • Section 2 Letter d) - support of the consumer protection,
  • Section 2 Letter e) - support of the development of industrial production and services,
  • Section 2 Letter f) – support of the research, development and innovation,
  • Section 2 Letter g) – support of the energy efficiency.

You can submit an application only in the Slovak version of the portal.

Administrative fees
The service is free of charge.

Application for the provision of financial contribution for the operation of incubators in the scope of the SBA:
  • Project
  • Founders' deed and articles of association
  • Attachment with information about Number of the ownership document (number, cadastral territory)
  • Curriculum vitae of the director/ executive director / statutory representative
  • Sworn declaration of statutory representative that the operation will not require and didn’t required another subsidy from public sources and also a statement that there is no contradiction with the approved project for the development of an incubator (especially in area of funding the operations of the incubator)
  • Schedule of costs and revenues for the period from March to December of this year
  • Business Plan of incubator including the provision of consultancy and training services for companies in the incubator for this year
  • Price list of services and rents for this year
  • Insurance of real estate for this year.

Applications for the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR (except for applications under Section 2 Letter g) of the Act):
  • Sworn declaration of the applicant that he has settled financial relations with the state budget, and the confirmation of a locally competent tax authority, not older than three months, that the applicant has no any tax arrears
  • Confirmation of a competent bankruptcy court, not older than three months, that there is no bankruptcy proceeding led against the applicant, the applicant is not in bankruptcy, in the arrangement with creditors, and there was no bankruptcy petition against the applicant rejected for lack of assets
  • Sworn declaration of the applicant that there is no enforcement of decision led against him
  • Confirmation of a competent labor inspectorate, not older than three months, that the applicant did not breach the prohibition of illegal employment under a special regulation
  • Confirmation of The Social Insurance Agency and from all health insurance companies, not older than three months, that the applicant has no arrears in the payment registered.

Applications for the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR pursuant to Section 2 Letter a) of the Act:
  • Extract from the Register of Criminal records of individuals operating in statutory body not older than three months
  • Financial Statements for the accounting period preceding the accounting period in which the application has been submitted

  • Additional attachments (which the Act does not provide) in the case of an application under Section 3 Article 1 Letter a):

  • Extract from the Register of Mining of relevant Subdistrict Mining Office (document proving that they are authorized organization under Section 3 Article 2)
  • List with the number of eligible persons qualified for the free coal

  • Additional attachments in the case of an application under Section 3 Article 1 Letter b):

  • Decisions of state mining administration authority on determination of the extraction area if it contains an old mining works
  • Compulsory order of a state mining administration authority, issued by the Subdistrict Mining Inspector of Subdistrict Mining Authority pursuant to Section 42 Article 2 Letter b) of the Act of SNC No 51/1988 Coll. on mining activities, explosives and the State Mining Administration, as amended, for ensuring or liquidation of old mining works and their consequences or the decision of the Subdistrict Office of Environment or the competent local construction authority under applicable regulations
  • Project documentation for ensuring or liquidation of old mining works and their consequences
  • A statement of the authorized organization that it shall perform ensuring or liquidation of old mining works and their consequences, all of mentioned galleries
  • Written statement of authorized organization that it performs ensuring or liquidation of old mining works and their consequences in ore mining since (indicate the year)
  • Submission of a list of ensured or liquidated old mining works and their repercussions for the last three years documented with - name, location and photo documentation of each mentioned old mining works signed by the statutory body

  • Additional attachments in the case of an application under Section 3 Article 1 Letter c):

  • The Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic decision to the setback program of ore mining for the site
  • or decisions of state mining administration authority on the determination of the extraction area in which the setback program of ore mining is performed or decision of a state mining authority pursuant to Section 42 Article 2 Letter b) of the Act SNC No 51/1988 Coll. on mining activities, explosives and the State Mining Administration, as amended (binding order of the Subdistrict Mining Office)
  • or decision of the Subdistrict Office of Environment or the competent local construction authority, on technical works performed under the setback program
  • Written declaration of an authorized organization on performance of technical works within the setback program of ore mining on the basis of Government Resolution or decision of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic since (indicate the year)

  • Additional attachments in the case of an application under Section 3 Article 1 Letter e):

  • Extract from a Register of civic associations of the Ministry of Interior of Slovak republic (document proving that it is a mining association according to Section 3 Letter a) of the Act) not older than three months
  • Extract from the Register of Criminal records of statutory body of the mining association not older than three months
  • Financial Statements of mining associations for the accounting period preceding the accounting period in which the application for a subsidy has been submitted
  • Written statement of mining association on the implementation publishing activities with a mining theme, maintenance and reconstruction of mining sites, construction of educational mining paths and other activities supporting the history and development of traditions of mining activities, including its international presentation since (indicate the year)
  • Approved plan of publications with a mining theme, maintenance and reconstruction of mining sites, construction of educational mining paths and other activities supporting the history and development of traditions of mining activities, including its international presentation in the case of an application under Section 3 Article 1 Letter e).

Applications for the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR pursuant to Section 2 Letter b) of the Act:
  • Confirmation on the settlement of financial relations with the budgets of the municipalities
  • Extract from the Register of Criminal records of individuals operating in statutory body not older than three months
  • Financial Statements for the accounting period preceding the accounting period in which the application has been submitted
  • Sworn declaration, that the applicant does not require or does not receive any financial contribution for its operation from the budget of another public administration authority or another body managing the state budget funds.

Applications for the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR pursuant to Section 2 Letter c) of the Act:
  • Copy of document proving introduction of biomass boilers or solar collectors into operation
  • Invoice or other document evidencing the acquisition of biomass boiler and solar collectors, not older than 18 months
  • Document proving the technical parameters of biomass boilers or solar collectors;
  • Document proving ownership of a house or apartment in an apartment building (document proving the ownership may be also considered a proof of ownership of building under construction or uncompleted construction)
  • Confirmation on the settlement of financial relations with the budgets of the municipalities (in the case of an application of legal entity)
  • Document proving the management of residential buildings (in the case of an application of legal entity).

Applications for the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR pursuant to Section 2 Letter d) of the Act:
  • Confirmation of registration of a civic associations not older than three months
  • Valid articles of association
  • Document on the set up of account of the civic association in a bank or branch of a foreign bank, which is intended for provision of a subsidy and the account number
  • Confirmation on the settlement of financial relations with the budgets of the municipalities
  • Declaration of the civic association that the representatives of civic association have not performed the functions in civic association that ceased and have not settled the financial relations with the state budget
  • Document proving that the civic association has ensured financial sources for the co-financing of the project at least 10% of the required subsidy
  • Project according to Section 6 of the Act No 71/2013 Coll.
  • Information on the activities of the applicant in accordance with Section 10 Article 5 Letter i) of the Act
  • Sworn declaration of civic association, that it has not required for the proposed project or part of it any financial contribution from the state budget and European Union funds, from the budget of another public administration authority or another body managing the state budget funds.

Applications for the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR pursuant to Section 2 Letter e) of the Act:
  • Supplementation of the electronic application for the provision of a subsidy according to § 2 (annex to the call)
  • If the subsidy is requested for construction or modification of buildings or construction works, a final decision on the building permit and if the applicant does not have a final decision on the building permit, a sworn declaration on the additional submission of a valid building permit, stating the deadline for its submission
  • If the subsidy is requested for construction or modification of buildings or construction works, the document that shows that the constructor is the owner of the building or has another right to the building or consent of the owner of the building, which authorizes him to make changes to the building or construction works, in the case of changes to the building or construction works
  • If the subsidy is requested for construction or modification of buildings or construction works, document on construction notification to the competent construction authority or an officially certified copy of the notification of construction to the competent construction authority
  • Estimated price accompanied with the construction budget with bills of quantities for individual construction objects, with which the applicant demonstrates the volume of requested subsidy; the applicant has to specify the expected cost on basis of the results of public procurement
  • If the applicant has completed the procedure of public procurement, the volume of requested subsidy is demonstrated by the budget with the bill of quantities, annexed to the contract concluded with selected supplier
  • If the applicant has not prepared the construction budget, a sworn declaration on the additional submission of construction budget drawn up by an authorized person, stating the deadline for submission of the budget
  • Sworn declaration of the applicant that the construction of civil engineering, for which the subsidy is requested, has not been undertaken before the submission of an application
  • If the volume of requested subsidy is more than EUR 332 000, agency agreement with a company established by the Ministry, which ensures the realization of the purpose for which the subsidy is intended
  • If the subsidy application is made in accordance with Section 7 Article 1 Letter m), expert opinion elaborated by professionally qualified person not older than three months
  • If the subsidy application is made in accordance with Section 7 Article 1 Letters o), q) and r), expert opinion elaborated by professionally qualified person not older than three months
  • Sworn declaration of the applicant on the correctness, truthfulness and completeness of information provided in the application, including attachments to the application and a declaration that the project will be implemented in accordance with the submitted application
  • Cover letter in which the applicant shall give a detailed breakdown and justification of extraordinary and urgent tasks related to regional development of municipality or higher territorial unit; If the municipality or higher territorial unit applies for a subsidy pursuant to Section 7 Article 9, it is necessary to justify in detail the impact of research and development activities on the regional development of the municipality or higher territorial unit
  • Document with which the applicant demonstrates that territory for the establishment of industrial zone is defined in the approved municipal territorial plan or zone territorial plan
  • If the subsidy application is made in accordance with Section 7 Article 1 Letter k), the estimated price accompanied with a budget of geological works, with which the applicant demonstrates the volume of requested subsidy; the applicant has to specify the expected cost on basis of the results of public procurement
  • If the subsidy application is made in accordance with Section 7 Article 1 Letter k), a sworn declaration of the applicant that the geological works, for which the subsidy is requested, has not been undertaken before the submission of an application
  • The letter of intent between the municipality or higher territorial unit and investors who sets up his establishment in the zone for the implementation of projects related to the development of manufacturing and services, which regulates their relations particularly in the area of investment project, securing commitments from investors for the acquisition of investment, commitments from investors to create new jobs in the establishment to be set up in the zone for the implementation of projects related to the development of manufacturing and services
  • If the subsidy application is made in accordance with Section 7 Article 9, the letter of intent between the municipality or higher territorial unit and investors, accompanied with a contract with provider of research and development activities
  • If the subsidy application is made in accordance with Section 7 Article 9, investment project of the investor, which will define the R & D focus of the investment.

Applications for the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR pursuant to Section 2 Letter f) of the Act:
  • Cost calculation of the project
  • Document on founding or establishment of the applicant
  • Document on the set up of account of the applicant in a bank or branch of a foreign bank, which is intended for provision of a subsidy and the account number
  • Declaration of the applicant that there is no enforcement of decision led against him pursuant to Section 8a Article 4 Letter c) of the Act No 523/2004 Coll. on budget rules of the public administration and on amendments and supplements to certain laws, as amended
  • Declaration of the applicant that he doesn’t receive any aid from public sources on the project which is subject of the application
  • Declaration of the applicant that it is not a firm in difficulty according to the Community guidelines on State aid for rescuing and restructuring firms in difficulty (OJ. C 244, 1. 10. 2004, p. 2)
  • Declaration of the applicant that he doesn’t belong to a group of enterprises which are treated as a single undertaking under the Article 2 paragraph 2 of Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013. If he belongs to a group of enterprises, information on received de minimis aid for all members of group of enterprises which together constitute a single undertaking
  • Overview and comprehensive information on any other de minimis aid received under the Commission Regulation (EU) No 1407/2013 or under other provisions of the European Union to de minimis aid during the previous two fiscal years and the current fiscal year; also from other donors or under other de minimis aid schemes
  • Declaration of the applicant that there is no recovery order led against him following a previous decision of the European Commission which identified provided aid as unlawful and incompatible with the internal market.

Applications for the provision of subsidies in the competence of the MoE SR pursuant to Section 2 Letter g) of the Act:
  • Project

  • The program for SME Support through a network of incubators and implementation of Research-Base Spin-Off Method, published in the Commercial Journal No 222A/2007 on 16 November 2007 (duration until 31 December 2013)
  • Act No 71/2013 Coll. on the provision of subsidies in the competence of the Ministry of Economy of the Slovak Republic, as amended




When using the service, please, follow this procedure:

  • View information on published calls for proposal regarding the provision of financial contributions for the operation of incubators or on published calls for proposal regarding the provision of subsidies under the scope of the MoE SR.
  • View information on submitted applications for the provision of financial contributions for the operation of incubators or on submitted applications for the provision of subsidies under the scope of the MoE SR.
  • Submit an application for the provision of financial contributions for the operation of incubators or an application for the provision of subsidies under the scope of the MoE SR using an electronic form.
  • Receive the desicion regarding your application to your electronic mailbox (www.slovensko.sk).
  • Submit an application for the payment of approved financial contributions.
  • Receive the desicion regarding your application for the payment of approved financial contributions to your electronic mailbox (www.slovensko.sk).
  • Receive approved financial contributions.

Electronic service manual
Electronic manual [.pdf, 1,73 MB]

Service options



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